About Us

Excalibur Sports Limited - Est 2017

Company Number 11288880

VAT Registration Number GB381877061

Registered Office: 1 St. Mary's Street, Ross-On-Wye, United Kingdom, HR9 5HT  

Warehouse: Unit 17B Thorn Business Park, Rotherwas, Hereford, United Kingdom, HR2 6JT

British Based Company in Herefordshire & Worcestershire

Retailer and Distributor of Fencing Equipment / Combat Sabers / Historical Swords & Hema Equipment / 3D Prints

Contact Address: sales@excalibursports.co.uk

Contact Phone: (+44) 01432 683144

Authorised Dealers of Favero // Folo // Franchini // FWF // Dynamo // SmartBox // EnPointe // Blaise Frères // UNIC

Our Story


Our name is Excalibur Sports and we set up in 2017.

We are a new fencing equipment brand and are looking to build up awareness of who we are and what we can offer.

The brand was started by myself and my friend who met on the fencing circuit, both being competitive fencers at an international level in juniors and seniors, representing GBR at numerous events and both representing England in the senior commonwealths. 

We have both been coaching for many years now with over 10 years of coaching experience between us and over 40 years of fencing experience between us, starting at the ages of 6 and 8. 

Throughout our fencing and coaching career we have found that there was only a small handful of equipment suppliers and while both of us have used these, we found there was not too much going for the large amount of club fencers who wanted their own kit but did not necessarily want to spend a huge amount on it, whether they are competitive or recreational fencers. 

What we have tried to do is fill this gap, to be able to provide more cost effective kit while still keeping a level of high quality, safe equipment. Ideally we would love to see every single fencer, child and adult, own a set of fencing kit, personal to them and not being shared with numerous other people which is the case with borrowing club kit. Understandably this is a dream and would be very hard to achieve but every little bit we can help to get us closer to that goal, the better it is for the entire fencing community which in turn will bring more recognition to the sport we all love. 

We have currently attended various competitions such as the Bristol BRC, Cocks Moors Woods and local County/Regional Championships where we have had successful equipment stands and a very warm welcome from many fencers but we would like to support you too!

If you are a competition organiser or a club owner and would like us to provide an equipment stand at either a competition or on a club night then please let us know.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping your club members with their fencing equipment needs!


Keep fencing safe!


James and Dan

Excalibur Sports